Superfood Detox
A personal cleansing and weight loss kit

Why Choose This
Superfood Detox Program?
The Superfood Detox Program is a 10-day body cleanse and weight loss program based on superfood formulae created by Umina.
These formulae assist the detoxification process while nourishing the body to restore its vital energy.
We will guide you for the duration of the program in order to maximize the effectivity of the cleanse, from preparation of your body and your kitchen beforehand to a gradual return to a regular diet once you have completed the process.
The program includes a meal plan and recipes as well as instruction about embracing a healthy lifestyle.
This program is essentially the compilation of years of experience distilled into a simple, accessible package.

Why Is It Important to Detox?
Over 80% of the diseases occurring in the human body are the result of the accumulation of toxins. The toxic residue is the ideal home for harmful bacteria, parasites and fungi which cause damage in the body.
Toxins accumulate in the intestinal tissue and cause irritation as they are carried throughout the body in the blood, resulting in inflammation that often goes unnoticed. This inflammation negatively affects general health and primarily damages one’s weaker organs.

Detoxification is the oldest and most effective method of naturally healing oneself. For centuries, many peoples have have employed detoxification treatments, including Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Yogis in the Himalayas.
The human body is an ingenious system capable of curing itself from disease through a proper cleansing process. Currently, chronic diseases, including cancer, are being treated by deep detoxification…
Weight Loss
The process of cleansing the body is akin to a system reboot. Persons who are overweight and eating a diet low in nutritional values and based on industrial foods, are likely to lose one pound a day. We believe that the cleansing program is the most effective method way to change one’s diet and lifestyle. If you continue to eat healthy nutritious food following the detox, as well as exercise and maintain a balanced lifestyle, you will continue to lose weight.
The Superfood Detox Program Includes
As soon as you register, a cleansing kit will be sent to your house. The kit includes the cleanse mixes as well as a guidebook and meal-plan. The process is supplemented by online information and guidance.
Cleansing Kit
The kit includes 4 cleansing mixes, a tea infuser glass bottle and a guidebook.
The kit includes mixes which assist and deepen the detoxification process.
The kit will be shipped directly to
your home.
A thorough
Learning Process
The Superfood Detox Program is comprehensive; at the start of the program you will receive a guidebook that includes:
– recipes
– meal plans
– instruction to prepare the body prior to the cleanse
– an in-depth explanation of the process
instruction to support the body’s gradual return to a regular diet
– information and suggestions to incorporate superfoods into your daily nutrition
Guidance Sessions
To further deepen the process, you can choose to schedule three personal sessions with Umina for an extra charge.
(Sessions are via video conferencing and are 45 minutes in duration.)
The first session focuses on preparing the body for cleansing, the second on the cleanse itself, and the third on daily practices to maintain the progress achieved in the cleansing program.
√ Preparing the Body for Cleansing–stop eating addictive foods | 3 days
The preparation stage is meant to lay the groundwork for cleansing. During this stage the body is weaned off of addictive and acidic foods which cause most of the unnoticed inflammations in the body (a variety of breads, dairy products, coffee, gluten, meat, fish and alcohol). Instead, you will eat grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.
√ Deep Body Cleansing-
5 days
During this stage the diet is based on the cleansing kit mixes. The diet is based on green smoothies (twice a day), cleansing green vegetable soup (twice a day), tea infusions to detox the liver and salt baths to assist in detoxing the skin and calming the nervous system at the end of each day.
√ Gradual Return to Routine -
2 days
This stage of the program is usually accompanied by a wonderful sense of clarity and vitality as a result of the detoxification process. It is important to resume a regular diet in a gradual manner. You will receive a special meal plan in order to do so, as well as guidance on how to preserve what you’ve accomplished during the program. Now that your body is clean and free of addictive foods, you have the privilege of choosing what you want to re-introduce into your diet. We will provide you with information and guidance about how to best go about doing exactly that.
The Cleansing Kit Includes:

Green Superfoods
Mix|7 oz (200g)
Contains: An organic mix of different algae (spirulina and chlorella), leaves (moringa) and grass (wheatgrass and barley grass).
Benefits for your body: A rich mix of green superfoods. Perfect for nourishing your body and strengthening it. Especially effective for cleansing and healing the different body systems.

Berries Superfood
Mix|7 oz (200g)
Contains: A mix of organic berries from around the world: maqui (Chile), acai (Brazil), goji (China), aronia (Eastern Europe) and blueberries (Russia).
Benefits for your body: A unique formula that includes some of the most powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that exist in nature. Perfect for nourishing and strengthening the body.

Liver Detox Herbal
Infusion |3.5 oz (100g)
Contains: Organic rosemary leaves, organic calendula flowers, organic chicory, nettle, milk thistle seeds, organic dandelion root, organic licorice root and organic astragalus root.
Benefits for your body: The herbal infusion contributes to the cleansing process of the liver. It boosts bile secretion, helps cleanse the kidneys and blood, and invigorates the lymph nodes.

Bath Salts Mix
14 oz (400g)
Contains: Epsom salt, natural Himalayan salt, Dead Sea salt, organic coconut oil and essential oils. (Not for consumption. External use only.)
Benefits for your body: The salts mix helps the detox process, calms the nervous system, softens the muscles and tissues and increases blood circulation.

Cleansing Guidebook
The complete guidebook of the program. Includes an explanation about the process and the world of superfoods, full meal-plans for the three stages of the detox program, shopping list and recipes for all of the meals included in the detox meal plan.

Tea Infuser Glass Bottle
A tea infuser bottle with a heat-preserving sleeve. The bottle has a metal tea strainer which allows you to infuse your tea on the go. You will be able to take your favorite tea infusion everywhere and drink hot tea throughout the cleansing program and afterwards.

The detox might be over but the magic has only just begun. After the cleansing you will be able to step into a fantastic world of healthy and delicious foods. Our participants join our healthy diet and lifestyle community. Your whole family’s diet can become a gateway towards a healthy and joyful life filled with energy.
What People Are Saying...
“Umina prepares vegan gourmet dishes that make your body rejoice and your taste buds dance with joy. It’s too good to be true, but it’s completely real… When you learn about Umina’s Superfood Cuisine it feels like you’re doing yourself a favor…”
Shai Avivi, 52, Actor and Master-Chef
“Ever since the workshop I’ve been preparing shakes morning and evening. After this glimpse into this world I’m going to prepare chocolates either daily or weekly as well. It was amazing. A life changing experience and I feel lucky…”
Michael Shvartsman, 28, Hi-Tech Engineer
“Umina’s guidance has helped me regain the ability to choose a healthier diet, rich with superfoods. I’ve already said goodbye to my allergies, my arthritis and nine pounds…”
Kathy Kamhi, 40, Group Counselor
“I enjoyed the course so much, it was worth every second. I highly recommend it. I’m sure that I’ll change my diet. From the very beginning of it I’ve felt its good effect on me…”
Ora Levinovich, 60, Farmer
“I’m embracing a huge change to my diet! Lots of superfoods, shakes and drinks to strengthen the immune system. It has been interesting, special and fun and I’m looking forward to more… I must point out that ever since I’ve started eating superfoods my health has improved and I haven’t caught any of the winter illnesses, which used to happen almost every winter…”
Vered Zion, 55, Florist
“I’ve learned how to incorporate superfoods in meals and juices.
It’s great to open up your mind to a whole new world… Umina, you’re amazing. The way you share your experiences with such joy and pleasure is inspiring. I’m lucky to have met you!!!…”