

Since the dawn of time, different nations and cultures knew about the many unique qualities of the Aloe Vera plant.
The Native American tribes called Aloe Vera “The Wand of Heaven”; it is said that Cleopatra would rub the Aloe gel on her body as part of her beauty routine; the Ancient Greeks used Aloe Vera as an all-in-one treatment for many ailments, including blindness and insomnia. Most of us are familiar with the healing properties of this plant when used externally, especially when applied to wounds, burns, skin inflammation, irritation or dermatitis. However, this plant’s greatest secret is, in fact, its benefits when used internally.

Aloe Vera is one of the most remarkable medicinal plants nature has to offer. It originated in Africa in a scorching desert climate, and from there it spread throughout the world. It is very easy to grow Aloe Vera, which is why it can be found almost anywhere in the world.

Research has shown that the Aloe Vera plant contains 20 different kinds of minerals, 12 types of vitamins, 18 amino acids and a variety of other enzymes and components that enhance its medicinal power. Aloe Vera is a wonderful disinfectant that dries moisture and resists bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is why this plant grows wild without the aid of pest control, despite its gel’s moist and rich nature.

The benefits of Aloe Vera when used internally:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Cures infections – urinary tract infections, eye infections, ear infections
  • Aids detoxification processes
  • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Stabilizes blood sugar in patients with diabetes
  • Cures ulcers, Irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and celiac
  • Eases heartburns
  • Good aid in fighting Candida infections
  • Protects the kidneys
  • Cures gum diseases and strengthens them
  • Enriches the blood with oxygen, improves the function of tissues and organs, as well as reducing the risk of cardiac arrest and stroke
  • Enriches the body with minerals, vitamins and enzymes
  • Helps treat colon cancer and heals the digestive system
  • Accelerates the healing rate of injuries and the recovery rate after physical exercise
  • Relieves hemorrhoids pain

The benefits of Aloe vera when used externally:

  • Improves skin health, moisturizes it, heals acne and prevents wrinkles
  • Treats burns, sunburns, scars and cuts
  • Helps treat the skin after radiation treatment
  • Relieves itches from bug bites and rashes
  • Functions as immediate first aid when treating open wounds – all you have to do is apply some gel to each open wound (works well for pets as well instead of chemical creams because animals tend to lick their wounds)
  • Relieves muscle and joint pain
  • Stimulates hair growth by rubbing it into the scalp
  • Removes skin pigmentation and spots
  • Helps heal herpes
  • Helps warts heal more rapidly
  • Helps heal dermatitis
  • Relives and eases Atopic Dermatitis

Research shows that Aloe Vera contains a preservative; therefore, it is possible to preserve fruits and vegetables by coating them in the gel as a protection from oxidation. This method keeps the food fresh and extends its shelf-life. In short, make sure this wondrous and medicinal plant is always available to you.   

Many products containing Aloe Vera have been manufactured in recent years such as creams, gels and even drinks, but there’s no doubt that the best way to obtain this plant is by home-growing it. When you use Aloe Vera gel extracted directly from the leaf, the level of nutrients is far greater than in any store-bought juice or gel. It is also of course a much better economic choice. Please note that store-bought Aloe Vera gel is not supposed to be green. Natural Aloe Vera gel is clear. If your gel is green, it means that it was artificially colored.

An easy-care plant anyone can grow

Aloe Vera is a very easy plant to take care of, and can be grown in any indoors apartment in a flowerpot. When growing it in a flowerpot, it is recommended to mix the soil with sand, water it twice a week, and every once in a while, add a bit of sea salt to the water.

How to use it?

All you need to do is to cut off a single leaf from the plant, place it on a cutting board, cut off the spine edges, slice away the skin of the Aloe Vera leaf, and extract the gel with a spoon. Be careful not to mix in pieces of the green leaf in your gel. The green leaf contains a disinfectant which also has laxative properties. In high doses the gel itself can also induce diarrhea which makes it a good remedy for constipation as well.

Eat the gel!

You can also buy premade Aloe Vera juice, and drink 3 tablespoons of it with water and lemon on an empty stomach.
Change your perception and turn Aloe Vera into one of your daily foods; incorporate it into your drinks, your sauces and your meals.
I recommend that you watch the short video in the Video section of our website, in our Information and Inspiration Library, where I explain how to make Aloe Vera lemonade.
Before I finish, it is important for me to stress just how simple, ecological, economical, and effective treating our bodies can be.
Instead of wasting money on brand names in the cosmetics industry (that no matter how hard they try, they simply won’t be able to reach the level of the original product they wish to imitate), just apply Aloe Vera to wounds, psoriasis, scars, acne and wrinkles. I have yet to come across an industrial cream that achieved better results.
Instead of wasting money on chemical industrialized medicines – anti-inflammatory, antiviral, cholesterol-lowering and antacids – just drink Aloe Vera each morning diligently. The results will stun you in their swiftness and intensity.